Yuko Moriyuki

Below is a recent foto (2003):
Name Yuko Moriyuki
Address Tokyo, Japan
Phone W: 813-3224-5980
M: 8190-2732-7020
H: 813-3335-8646
Fax Same as Home Phone
e-mail yumor1107@yahoo.co.jp
Occupation Protocol Assistant
Embassy of the United States of America
Years at EA 4
School activities Volleyball, Basketball, Drama
When you left Rio/EA June 1984
Most memorable experience at EA memorable Everything. Let me put this way as my memory is so poor but I really enjoyed the stay. Actually visiting EA after 15 years from graduation was impressive. Some of teachers were still there!
What you did the summer after graduation I traveled to NY and did basically "party"
Marital status Single
Other If anyone of you have a chance to come to Japan, I would be happy to get together. (if I am not moved to Hong Kong)
College/University attended Sophia University