Ursula de Almeida Rego Migon

Name Ursula de Almeida Rego Migon
Address Curitiba-PR Brasil
Phone +55 41 262-6937
(+55 21) 2521-1491 Rio
(+55 21) 2267-7484 Rio
Mobile (+55 21) 9737-7179 Rio
Fax +55 41 262-9882
e-mail umigon@zaz.com.br
Occupation translator
Years at EA 77-85
School activities Drama Club, Student Council, Binóculo
When you left Rio/EA 1985 after graduation
Most memorable experience at EA Todas!!! Especially Abrantes, Bonorino, Collares, and, of course, Zé and Ms. Stanton! And also the "surprise party" for the class of 84...
What you did the summer after graduation started "adaptation" to life in Curitiba (it was winter here...)
Marital status single
Children does my dog, Zico, count?
Other I still go to Rio at least once every year (at Christmas)
College/University attended Comunicação Social (jornalismo) - UFPR