Sergio Luis Furman

Name Sergio Luis Furman
Address Madrid, Spain
Phone H (34 91) 650-3929
W (34 91) 650-2070
M (34 616) 673 945
Occupation Fundraising Director
International Paralympic Committee
Years at EA 13 (longest of our class!)
School activities Treasurer of Student Council, Varsity soccer and softball team (bench-warmer in the latter)
When you left Rio/EA 1985
Most memorable experience at EA Walking on the "bridge" going from the main school entrance to Lower School, watching the little favela kids with their moms washing clothes on the creek, and realizing I was lucky enough to be on the "right side of the fence".

Being part of the EA team that won the Big 4 Soccer tournament for the first time ever, and playing in front of our home crowd!
What you did the summer after graduation Moved to Canada
Marital status Happily married
Spouse Debra
Children Siena & Max
College/University attended University of Toronto