Michael Florez

Name Michael Florez
Nickname Cookie
Address New York, NY
Phone 212-777-5071 (H)
201-557-5555 (W)
Fax 212-677-3037 (H)
201-557-5912 (W)
e-mail mflorez@prebon.com
Occupation Trader in Latin American Stocks
Years at EA 75-82
School activities Little League, Soccer, Star Man Jones and Wizard of Oz. Big 4 EA basket ball team (Rubins played me for about .30 sec.)
When you left Rio/EA 82
Most memorable experience at EA Being DJ with Cortes at those goofy dance parties when we were in middle school
What you did the summer after graduation I was allowed to stay in Rio. I hung out at the Morales house. I then spent some time hanging out once 9th grade started (1 month)
Marital status Married
Spouse Rebecca Gomez
College/University attended Tulane University and Fordham Graduate B-School