James Matheson Hunter

James Matheson Hunter
Name James Matheson Hunter
Address Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Phone H: 33257246
W: 24915797
e-mail jmathesonhunter@hotmail.com
Occupation Profession: publicist
Company: script communication
Position: writer
Years at EA 8 years From: 5th Grade To: 12th Grade
School activities
When you left Rio/EA 1985
Most memorable experience at EA The catwalk and my friends
What you did the summer after graduation I went to europe and then to the U.S
Marital status Single
What have you been up to: worked with music, taught english and now am involved with advertisement
Other My school days will remain in my heart forever.I hope all of my friends are well and happy and that Danny and Valéria find peace in heaven
College/University attended I am currently attending a marketing university. Years ago I studied music