Jessica Bernardita Alvarez Castro

Jessica & her dogs
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Jessica & her dogs
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Name Jessica Bernardita Alvarez Castro
Nickname Jess
Address São Paulo - SP
Phone H 55 11 3645.2964
W 55 11 3719.4801
Occupation Executive Assistant
Div. Comercial Farma - Primary Care
Produtos Roche Quimicos e Farmacêuticos SA
Years at EA 3
School activities
When you left Rio/EA Left EA in 1981
Most memorable experience at EA can't list, there are so many, each time I remember a different one (Mr Scott's classes, those foolish dance parties at 6th grade, my Japaneese lessons with Jurika, etc, etc, etc)

What you did the summer after graduation I didn't graduate at EA, but anyway, I moved to São Paulo.
Marital status Married
Spouse Demetrius Torres
Children Bianca and I also have two dogs
(a Great Dane and a mongrel)
Other It's marvellous to have news about all of you again!
After 19 years, wow!!! I mean, after all these years (this way is better...).

Saudades !!!
College/University attended Universidade Ibero Americana (São Paulo)